The most iconic LGBTQ music artists in history

Get your soundtrack to Pride Month started with these talented artists

Stars Insider

23/06/22 | StarsInsider


The LGBTQ community has made enormous contributions to the sounds that are so popular today, as time after time queer artists have not only shifted the direction of music, but they've also ensured that queer people everywhere can feel represented in pop culture, dancing at clubs, or even just cruising to the radio.

Perhaps it has something to do with being marginalized that allows for these artists to have seen the sonic world from new and innovative angles, or perhaps it's that vivacious spirit that fights for liberation and equality that seeps into the studio—or maybe they're just talented artists who happened to be queer. Either way, they've been cemented in music history and we're all the better for it. 

In celebration of Pride Month, click through to check out some of the most iconic LGBTQ music artists guaranteed to brighten your day.

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