All about Elliot Page: From Halifax to Hollywood

The actor turns 38 on February 21

Stars Insider

21/02/25 | StarsInsider


When you're in your thirties and have had a very public career that spans over two decades, it might seem like your identity has been solidified in place, but thankfully, one star continues to show us that it's never too late to embrace your true self, no matter how many people are watching. 

Elliot Page, the Oscar-nominated star of 'Juno,' came out as transgender and non-binary on December 1, 2020, and a few months later became the first transgender man to appear on the cover of Time magazine. Having revealed his truth to the world, Page is determined to fight for the rights of trans people and counter the "myths and damaging rhetoric" debating the existence of transgender people.

Page is turning 38 on February 21, but he has already lived quite a life. Curious to know more? Click through to take a look back on Elliot Page’s life and career.

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