Under fire: Celebrities accused of cultural appropriation

JLo responds to backlash against her Grammys Motown tribute

Stars Insider

12/02/19 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Cultural appropriation

Pop culture is a melting pot where cultures and customs fuse and coexist. However, when borrowing is done in bad taste, it’s called something a little different: cultural appropriation. It's been a hot topic in recent years, and power dynamics between majority and minority cultures are now being discussed more openly than ever. Jennifer Lopez is the most recently accused, as her participation in the Motown tribute at the Grammys caused uproar, since she is neither black, nor from Detroit. However, JLo has just responded to all the haters. 

Read more about her case, and discover other stars who had to figure it out the hard way by making very public mistakes and receiving hundreds of thousands of complaints.

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