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MasterClass: Meet the celebs teaching online classes
Ringo Starr joins MasterClass to give drum lessons!
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Learning a new skill: it's something we should all do from time to time. Problem is, it can be hard finding the right teacher. Remember back in school, bad teachers would put you off subjects that you may have loved otherwise? Well, how about learning from the stars? Professionals like Gordon Ramsey, Helen Mirren, and Stephen Curry are all teaching online classes, and you're invited. MasterClass is an online education subscription platform that allows users to access tutorials given by the most prestigious experts in every field.
Ringo Starr is the most recent celebrity to join forces with MasterClass. As the drummer of The Beatles, you can guess what skill he'll be teaching... He has created a 12-part course that teaches both how to drum and how to approach creative collaboration. Starr shares his own personal experiences, and demos drumming and songwriting techniques. “If I can give any piece of advice, it’s to love what you’re doing,” he said in a statement. “In my class, I will not only teach members how to get started with drums but share how to bring creativity into anything they are passionate about and inspire them to work at something they love.”
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