Gwyneth Paltrow enjoys "modern honeymoon" with new and ex-husband

Would you call that modern, or just awkward?

Gwyneth Paltrow enjoys "modern honeymoon" with new and ex-husband
Stars Insider

10/01/19 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Gwyneth paltrow

Move over Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonet, because Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin have surpassed any bar ever set by friendly exes. They are so friendly, in fact, that the divorced stars enjoyed a honeymoon together, along with Paltrow's new husband.

The Goop founder recently appeared on 'Live With Kelly and Ryan' where she spoke about her new partner Brad Falchuk. The couple got married at the end of September 2018, but decided to take their honeymoon over the Christmas holidays, in the beautiful Maldives. They shared a typical honeymoon photo of the newlyweds against the sparkling blue waters, but it turns out this honeymoon was very far from typical.

“So, we had my new husband and his children, my children, my ex-husband, our best family friends," Paltrow explained. "It was... a very modern honeymoon.”

Seacreast and Ripa were quite literally thrown into a flurry trying to wrap their heads around it. Ripa clarified, "Wait so your ex-husband went on your honeymoon?" and Paltrow replied, "I mean... yeah, pretty much." 

Ripa made a quick comment about how there would be a lot of crime scene tape if she ever attempted the same thing, and Seacrest asked what the dinner conversations were like.

“Oh, just great conversation and lots of kids... and you know what? It was great, we had such a good time,” Paltrow replied.

However true that may be, Paltrow, Falchuk, and Martin have taken great measures, and made great sacrifices, to ensure that their divorces don't break apart their strong family ties. 

"I think we just wanted to minimize the pain for the kids," she explained. "They just want to see their parents around a dinner table, basically. So we try to keep that." 

Divorce rates are shooting through the roof, and Paltrow is quite the trendsetter, so perhaps we'll see a lot more family honeymoons in the future. For now, though, we can still cringe. 

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