Can you guess Princess Charlotte's massive net worth?

The young royal is worth billions

Can you guess Princess Charlotte's massive net worth?
Stars Insider

25/07/18 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Princess charlotte

While all eyes are on the royal family, it is one young princess who is constantly being talked about in particular. Dubbed the shining star of the British royals, Princess Charlotte is undoubtedly a fan favorite, but how does that translate into her young bank account?

“Princess Charlotte is worth more than her brothers Prince George and Prince Louis and it’s in the billions,” The Sun wrote. How many billions to be exact? Five.

The financial company, Brand Finance estimated the young royals net worth in 2017 to be at 4.2 billion, and with more public appearances, adorable photo opportunities, and sassy comments to the press, the three-year-old princess has quickly become one of the best assets in the family.

So how does a young princess bring in this many bucks? The answer mostly boils down to her wardrobe. Designer brands seek out Charlotte, in particular, to sport their clothes because everything she is seen in sells out almost immediately.

Keep on being adorable Princess Charlotte, your loyal subjects can't get enough of you. 

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