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Elvis lives - The theory is that Elvis orchestrated his own death to get away from fame, and went to live in Argentina. The story was explained in detail by the Independent.
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Suri Cruise isn't Tom Cruise's daughter - Lots of people believe Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' daughter is actually Chris Klein's, the actor Katie was in a relationship with before Tom. The theory says that Suri wasn't born on April 18, as the birth certificate took 20 days to be signed. There are lots of different facets to this theory, as explained by Alloy.
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Britney Spears was a puppet for the George W Bush administration
- Here's how the story goes: all of Brit's scandals around 2007 were really just a smokescreen to draw attention from the George W.Bush administration's controversies. Pop Crush goes into more detail about the theory.
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The curse of the Joker - The theory goes that whoever plays 'The Clown Prince of Crime' ends up cursed. This is mostly attributed to Heath Ledger's death after playing the iconic villain. Some say he got too invested in the role, and the previous Joker, Jack Nicholson, warned him it was a psychologically problematic role. Looper has more details about the theory.
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The CIA killed Bob Marley - This theory states that the CIA poisoned Marley with some boots they gifted him. The boots allegedly contained a carcinogenic substance that led to Bob developing cancer.
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Jay Z and Nicki Minaj are the same person - If you slow down a Nicki Minaj song, it sounds exactly like Jay Z. There is a Soundcloud account and various YouTube accounts specifically dedicated to this. There is also a Vice article which shows the similarities.
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Tom Cruise's wife-choosing process - As reported by Daily News, Tom Cruise chose Katie Holmes as his wife through a method used by Scientology involving tests, exams, and interviews. It is thought by some that other celebrities considered for the 'role' were Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson, and Kate Bosworth.
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Jay-Z and the Illuminati - One of the most popular internet rumors is that Jay is the leader of the 'New World Order.' Why? A lot of people claim the symbolism in his stage show and the lyrics in his music are hints.
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Winner by mistake - Some people suggest that Marisa Tomei was never meant to win her Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, and the presenter read the card wrong. The Telegraph made a list of Oscar myths, which explains this one in detail.
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Courtney Love hired somebody to kill Kurt Cobain - This one is huge. The theory states that Courtney Love, Cobain's wife at the time, orchestrated his murder and made it look like he killed himself because he was going to divorce her. The documentary 'Soaked in Bleach' goes into detail about the theory.
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Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift's relationship was a sham - E! have delved into this theory, which states that their relationship was a sham, orchestrated to generate publicity and mess with social media.
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Marilyn Monroe
- Due to her personal relationship with John F. Kennedy, some say that the actress was assassinated by the CIA because she knew too much.
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Beyoncé is actually Solange's mother - Buzzfeed, have analyzed this theory. It's complicated and it only works if you believe Beyoncé was actually born in 1974, not 1981, and gave birth to Solange when she was 12 or 13.
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Jennifer Lawrence isn't clumsy - This one is pretty simple. Jennifer Lawrence is not as clumsy as she appears to be. Fans online say it's all a ploy to gain fans and seem more relatable.
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Katy Perry is not Katy Perry - The theory is that Katy is really JonBenét Ramsey, a former beauty pageant contestant who was killed. Many believe she's actually Kate Perry due to their facial similarities.
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Lorde is older than she says - Supposedly Lorde was born much before 1996. She has joked about the theory in a Vanity Fair interview in 2014.
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Stevie Wonder isn't blind - Some say Stevie isn't blind. This theory is mostly based on a YouTube video where Paul McCartney drops a microphone and Stevie immediately catches it.
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J. K. Rowling is an actress - This one has been around for a while, as reported by The Sun, J.K. Rowling doesn't exist, and the woman we see is an actress paid to hide the true identity of the 'Harry Potter' writers.
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Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson secretly got married - This theory has been fueled by blogs and forums, which say that the photos of Kristen cheating on Robert were faked, and it was all a plot to be able to marry in secret.
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Keanu Reeves is immortal - Looking at older photos of Keanu, it seems he never ages. Lots of people believe he is an immortal vampire... keanuisimmortal.com is a site dedicated to this theory.
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Avril Lavigne is dead - This is one theory the internet can't let go of. According to The Guardian, the rumor is that Avril died shortly before releasing her second album in 2004, and was replaced by a lookalike. There are various side by side images of 'original Avril' and 'lookalike Avril' online.
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Nicolas Cage is also immortal - Similar to the Keanu theory, apparently Nic Cage is really a vampire who has lived for centuries. Or at least that's what a lot of online commentators believe.
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Paul McCartney is dead - One of the most famous conspiracy theories ever is that McCartney died in 1966 in an accident and was replaced by a lookalike. TIME magazine ran an article where they explained this myth in detail.
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Megan Fox is a clone - There are lots of theories about Megan Fox, and one of them states that she's a character played by 23 different people. Another says that she's really a synthetic clone!
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Michael Jackson's castration - According to a 2016 Newshub report, the King of Pop underwent treatment for acne when he was around 12 years old. This particular treatment reduces the concentration of testosterone, and is not supposed to be used on children under the age of 18. Allegedly, he was effectively chemically castrated.
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Lindsay Lohan and her dead sister - Some believe Lindsay Lohan had a twin sister who appeared in 'The Parent Trap.' But the girl was killed in a car accident and Disney covered it up by saying that Lindsay played both twins in the film. Bustle went into depth on the topic.
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Khloé isn't a Kardashian - The theory is that Khloé is really O.J. Simpson's daughter. The theory gained life after Kris Jenner confirmed she had an affair with Simpson in 1985. Unfortunately for conspiracy theorists, Khloé was born in 1984. The Daily Mail reported that Simpson has denied the story.
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Miley Cyrus was a puppet for Barack Obama - Many theorists believe that the scandals involving Miley Cyrus, Kanye West, and Justin Bieber were designed to distract from what the Obama administration was doing at the time. Conspiracy theory fans have made lots of YouTube videos on the theory.
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Louis Tomlinson's baby is fake - Buzzfeed, went into depth on this theory, which states that Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles were romantically involved, but band managers didn't want the public to know, so they made up a fake baby story for Louis and his girlfriend Brianna.
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Sam Smith is Adele
- Sam Smith recently appeared on Drew Barrymore's talk show where the singer, who identifies as nonbinary, was asked about the craziest rumor they've ever heard about themselves. "Everyone seems to think that I'm Adele...in drag," Smith responded. They elaborated, "Because we've never been seen in the same room together, and if you slow down her voice, it sounds maybe a bit like mine. So people think that we're the same person and I'm just in drag right now." Now that they mention it, both singers do speak in the same cadence, and they don't have photos together...
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Blue Ivy was born to a surrogate
- Theorists point to an interview on Sunday Night, where Beyoncé's supposedly fake pregnant stomach creases when she sits down.
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Elvis lives - The theory is that Elvis orchestrated his own death to get away from fame, and went to live in Argentina. The story was explained in detail by the Independent.
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Suri Cruise isn't Tom Cruise's daughter - Lots of people believe Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' daughter is actually Chris Klein's, the actor Katie was in a relationship with before Tom. The theory says that Suri wasn't born on April 18, as the birth certificate took 20 days to be signed. There are lots of different facets to this theory, as explained by Alloy.
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Britney Spears was a puppet for the George W Bush administration
- Here's how the story goes: all of Brit's scandals around 2007 were really just a smokescreen to draw attention from the George W.Bush administration's controversies. Pop Crush goes into more detail about the theory.
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The curse of the Joker - The theory goes that whoever plays 'The Clown Prince of Crime' ends up cursed. This is mostly attributed to Heath Ledger's death after playing the iconic villain. Some say he got too invested in the role, and the previous Joker, Jack Nicholson, warned him it was a psychologically problematic role. Looper has more details about the theory.
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The CIA killed Bob Marley - This theory states that the CIA poisoned Marley with some boots they gifted him. The boots allegedly contained a carcinogenic substance that led to Bob developing cancer.
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Jay Z and Nicki Minaj are the same person - If you slow down a Nicki Minaj song, it sounds exactly like Jay Z. There is a Soundcloud account and various YouTube accounts specifically dedicated to this. There is also a Vice article which shows the similarities.
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Tom Cruise's wife-choosing process - As reported by Daily News, Tom Cruise chose Katie Holmes as his wife through a method used by Scientology involving tests, exams, and interviews. It is thought by some that other celebrities considered for the 'role' were Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson, and Kate Bosworth.
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Jay-Z and the Illuminati - One of the most popular internet rumors is that Jay is the leader of the 'New World Order.' Why? A lot of people claim the symbolism in his stage show and the lyrics in his music are hints.
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Winner by mistake - Some people suggest that Marisa Tomei was never meant to win her Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, and the presenter read the card wrong. The Telegraph made a list of Oscar myths, which explains this one in detail.
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Courtney Love hired somebody to kill Kurt Cobain - This one is huge. The theory states that Courtney Love, Cobain's wife at the time, orchestrated his murder and made it look like he killed himself because he was going to divorce her. The documentary 'Soaked in Bleach' goes into detail about the theory.
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Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift's relationship was a sham - E! have delved into this theory, which states that their relationship was a sham, orchestrated to generate publicity and mess with social media.
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Marilyn Monroe
- Due to her personal relationship with John F. Kennedy, some say that the actress was assassinated by the CIA because she knew too much.
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Beyoncé is actually Solange's mother - Buzzfeed, have analyzed this theory. It's complicated and it only works if you believe Beyoncé was actually born in 1974, not 1981, and gave birth to Solange when she was 12 or 13.
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Jennifer Lawrence isn't clumsy - This one is pretty simple. Jennifer Lawrence is not as clumsy as she appears to be. Fans online say it's all a ploy to gain fans and seem more relatable.
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Katy Perry is not Katy Perry - The theory is that Katy is really JonBenét Ramsey, a former beauty pageant contestant who was killed. Many believe she's actually Kate Perry due to their facial similarities.
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Lorde is older than she says - Supposedly Lorde was born much before 1996. She has joked about the theory in a Vanity Fair interview in 2014.
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Stevie Wonder isn't blind - Some say Stevie isn't blind. This theory is mostly based on a YouTube video where Paul McCartney drops a microphone and Stevie immediately catches it.
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J. K. Rowling is an actress - This one has been around for a while, as reported by The Sun, J.K. Rowling doesn't exist, and the woman we see is an actress paid to hide the true identity of the 'Harry Potter' writers.
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Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson secretly got married - This theory has been fueled by blogs and forums, which say that the photos of Kristen cheating on Robert were faked, and it was all a plot to be able to marry in secret.
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Keanu Reeves is immortal - Looking at older photos of Keanu, it seems he never ages. Lots of people believe he is an immortal vampire... keanuisimmortal.com is a site dedicated to this theory.
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Avril Lavigne is dead - This is one theory the internet can't let go of. According to The Guardian, the rumor is that Avril died shortly before releasing her second album in 2004, and was replaced by a lookalike. There are various side by side images of 'original Avril' and 'lookalike Avril' online.
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Nicolas Cage is also immortal - Similar to the Keanu theory, apparently Nic Cage is really a vampire who has lived for centuries. Or at least that's what a lot of online commentators believe.
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Paul McCartney is dead - One of the most famous conspiracy theories ever is that McCartney died in 1966 in an accident and was replaced by a lookalike. TIME magazine ran an article where they explained this myth in detail.
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Megan Fox is a clone - There are lots of theories about Megan Fox, and one of them states that she's a character played by 23 different people. Another says that she's really a synthetic clone!
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Michael Jackson's castration - According to a 2016 Newshub report, the King of Pop underwent treatment for acne when he was around 12 years old. This particular treatment reduces the concentration of testosterone, and is not supposed to be used on children under the age of 18. Allegedly, he was effectively chemically castrated.
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Lindsay Lohan and her dead sister - Some believe Lindsay Lohan had a twin sister who appeared in 'The Parent Trap.' But the girl was killed in a car accident and Disney covered it up by saying that Lindsay played both twins in the film. Bustle went into depth on the topic.
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Khloé isn't a Kardashian - The theory is that Khloé is really O.J. Simpson's daughter. The theory gained life after Kris Jenner confirmed she had an affair with Simpson in 1985. Unfortunately for conspiracy theorists, Khloé was born in 1984. The Daily Mail reported that Simpson has denied the story.
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Miley Cyrus was a puppet for Barack Obama - Many theorists believe that the scandals involving Miley Cyrus, Kanye West, and Justin Bieber were designed to distract from what the Obama administration was doing at the time. Conspiracy theory fans have made lots of YouTube videos on the theory.
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Louis Tomlinson's baby is fake - Buzzfeed, went into depth on this theory, which states that Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles were romantically involved, but band managers didn't want the public to know, so they made up a fake baby story for Louis and his girlfriend Brianna.
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Sam Smith is Adele
- Sam Smith recently appeared on Drew Barrymore's talk show where the singer, who identifies as nonbinary, was asked about the craziest rumor they've ever heard about themselves. "Everyone seems to think that I'm Adele...in drag," Smith responded. They elaborated, "Because we've never been seen in the same room together, and if you slow down her voice, it sounds maybe a bit like mine. So people think that we're the same person and I'm just in drag right now." Now that they mention it, both singers do speak in the same cadence, and they don't have photos together...
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Blue Ivy was born to a surrogate
- Theorists point to an interview on Sunday Night, where Beyoncé's supposedly fake pregnant stomach creases when she sits down.
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The strangest celebrity conspiracy theories
Rumors and conspiracy theories spread like wildfire, especially in the age of the internet
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Did you know Avril Lavigne was dead? Well, not really. But some people do believe it. There are a ton of celebrity conspiracy theories on the internet, and as ridiculous as they may seem, some fans take them very seriously.
In the following gallery we will show you some of the biggest and weirdest celebrity conspiracy theories floating around!

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