Famous people criticized by Donald Trump during his presidency

Trump continues firing insults during his 2024 campaign

Stars Insider

31/12/24 | StarsInsider


As the President of the United States, Trump was in a position of immense power during a time of mass social media use, connecting his thoughts with the world in a matter of moments. More than any president in US history, he made use of that instant communication. During his presidency, The New York Times started a list of all of the people, places, and things that Trump insulted on Twitter. In four years, they recorded a total of 598 insults! 

Times change, presidencies end, and Twitter becomes X... But Trump is back on the ballot for the 2024 presidential election and his odds aren't looking too shabby. While we wait to see how this next phase of history unfolds, let's look back at 30 of his most bizarre attacks and favorite targets. Click through the gallery to see who (and what) felt the wrath of Trump's keyboard while he was president. 

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