Kevin O'Leary has his own face on his guitar

It IS a beautiful guitar

Kevin O'Leary has his own face on his guitar
Stars Insider

08/02/18 | StarsInsider


If you didn’t know Kevin O'Leary plays the guitar, now you do. And it’s the most Kevin O'Leary-like guitar you could imagine.

Look at the below photo O'Leary posted of himself jamming with Boston band Unclaimed Freight.

Yes, that’s his face on an admittedly gorgeous guitar.

Yet all he posted along with the photo was: “Tonight with #unclaimedfreight#.” And he probably would have gotten away with it if not for one attentive follower.

“You have your own face on your guitar? Slow your roll Kevin ....Slow your roll,” wrote stphngrnt.

Actually, O'Leary had posted a close-up photo of the guitar a day before. It turns out BenjiLock, a company he invested in on ‘Shark Tank,’ gave him the customized guitar.
  But it’s not his only one. A closer look at his Instagram reveals he has several guitars, including one branded with his nickname, Mr. Wonderful. His nickname appears on his customized amps as well.

He does have good taste in guitars.
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