New data reveals a stark reality of land ownership in England, where less than 1% of the population holds dominion over half the country. Approximately 25,000 landowners, primarily aristocratic families and corporations, control this vast expanse. If divided equally among the population, each person would own just over half an acre—a parcel roughly the size of half of Parliament Square in central London. These findings, termed “astonishingly unequal,” shed light on the long-standing secrecy surrounding land distribution.
Click through the gallery to uncover the reasons behind land ownership inequality in England.
Why half of England is owned by less than 1% of the population
How the power of the few shapes the landscape of England
New data reveals a stark reality of land ownership in England, where less than 1% of the population holds dominion over half the country. Approximately 25,000 landowners, primarily aristocratic families and corporations, control this vast expanse. If divided equally among the population, each person would own just over half an acre—a parcel roughly the size of half of Parliament Square in central London. These findings, termed “astonishingly unequal,” shed light on the long-standing secrecy surrounding land distribution.
Click through the gallery to uncover the reasons behind land ownership inequality in England.