You can lose self-control, your memory, the ability to concentrate and your motor functions can become severely altered.
Alcohol also causes severe damage to brain cells and can permanently damage peripheral nerves.
Even more serious is the impact alcohol can have in the fetus' central nervous system, which can lead to mental retardation.
As alcohol contains many calories and little nutritional value, it prevents the absorption of minerals and vitamins, eliminates the appetite and eventually leads to malnutrition.
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy may cause fetal alcohol syndrome, leading to growth retardation, changes in craniofacial traits, cardiac, hepatic, renal and ocular malformation.
Alcohol affects our bodies in numerous ways. Sometimes, the damage is irreversible and can even lead to death in severe cases. We dig deep into the impact of alcohol in our bodies and bring you many interesting facts about drinking.
Check out the gallery to learn more.
Alcoholic contains ethanol. It is considered a depressant psychoactive drug.
The real impact of alcohol in your body
Read many interesting facts about drinking!
Alcohol affects our bodies in numerous ways. Sometimes, the damage is irreversible and can even lead to death in severe cases. We dig deep into the impact of alcohol in our bodies and bring you many interesting facts about drinking.
Check out the gallery to learn more.