An injectable, prescribed medication, Ozempic is taken once a week to help control blood sugar in those who struggle with Type 2 diabetes.
While the sagging, loose skin that is a hallmark of rapid weight loss can occur anywhere, changes to the face are most noticeable to the outside world.
A GLP-1 medication brand called Wegovy is prescribed to treat obesity and overweight in people who also have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and Type 2 diabetes.
GLP-1 regulates satiety by sending a signal to the body that affects the amount you eat, and how quickly food is digested by the body.
Some people lose a lot of weight on these medications, at a fast rate. When this happens, a phenomenon known as "Ozempic face" can occur.
The effects aren't limited to the person's face, however, which can become gaunt and hollowed out, but also to the rest of the body.
The effect that has become known as "Ozempic face" isn't actually caused by the drug itself. Rather, any rapid weight loss will have the same effect
Genetics, according to existing research, is the biggest factor in determining how fat is distributed. It accounts for 60% of where fat is located in the body.
The main areas affected by fat reduction are: visceral fat surrounding the abdominal organs, the subcutaneous fat under the skin, and muscle.
However, rapid weight loss does have upsides depending on the health concern of the individual. For example, it decreases inflammation in the joints, putting much less pressure on them. Losing even 10 pounds (4.5 kg) will feel like a 30-pound (14 kg) reduction on the joints themselves, improving mobility.
Losing visceral fat from the abdominal organs—the liver, kidneys, and heart—helps these organs to function better, enabling better metabolic health.
To counteract the muscle loss that accompanies weight loss, it's important to get enough physical activity. Resistance training helps to build lean muscle and should be practiced up to three times per week.
A reduction in muscle mass that accompanies weight loss can affect your physical strength and energy levels, leading to weakness and fatigue.
As we get older, subcutaneous facial fat provides support and volume. If this leaves the face, it can cause sagging, more fine lines and wrinkles, and a sunken appearance.
With the lack of cell proliferation, the skin might lose elasticity, especially in the tear trough, temples, and jawline—and gain more prominent wrinkles.
There are steps people can take to ensure their weight loss is a more steady, sustained process while taking the GLP-1 medication. One way is to monitor and lower the dose of the medication, if necessary.
Slower, more steady weight loss can help to negate the sagging skin and hair loss that many experience when the number on the scale falls dramatically. The skin has more time to adapt and contract.
This training will help to retain muscle mass. Aerobic exercise should also be practiced, to improve cardiovascular health and to maintain a healthy weight in the long term.
A nutritionally balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables will help to keep the cells of the body hydrated while you lose weight.
Plastic surgery might be a consideration, however, doctors recommend waiting 12-18 months before taking this option, as further weight loss could compromise the results.
Aesthetic interventions are available to those who feel self-conscious about "Ozempic face." Injectables and fillers made from hyaluronic acid and others help to plump the skin, and are non-invasive.
Drinking lots of water will also help to keep skin and tissues hydrated as your overall Body Mass Index (BMI) decreases.
It's recommended to consume 1-1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for the sake of muscle maintenance during weight loss.
In one study it was shown that very fast, massive weight loss can lead to someone looking five years older than their same-age peers.
Practice self-compassion when it comes to body image and remember that image-related concerns are minor compared to the needs of those for whom these drugs offer lifesaving interventions.
Sources: (National Geographic) (Forbes) (Healthline)
For some, looking in the mirror becomes difficult while they're experiencing changes to their appearance. It's a good idea to limit mirror time if you find yourself becoming overly critical of how you look, as it's only a small part of who you are.
Microneedling introduces small needles to the skin which stimulate collagen production to reduce the effects of sagging or loose skin. Similar to injectables, the results are not permanent.
When weight loss is happening at a fast rate, the body begins to slow down systems that aren't essential for survival. The function of the cells in the hair, skin, and nails might be affected, leading to hair loss as well as brittle nails and dry skin.
Ozempic is the name of a brand, which is part of a larger group of medications called GLP-1. They mimic the action of the hormone GLP-1 in the body.
This is because there's no way to "target" weight loss. As the body loses weight, it begins to pull fat from different areas.
Over the past year, there has been a boom in people using the prescription medicine Ozempic and other medications in the same class. For some, it's an absolute lifeline as a treatment for diabetes. To others, one of its main side effects—sudden, fast weight loss—means its appeal lies solely in the significant amount of pounds they can shed while on the medication. But what happens inside the body if you lose weight rapidly? A phenomenon known colloquially as "Ozempic face" offers some clues.
Intrigued? Click on to learn what happens to the body when weight is lost quickly.
What rapid weight loss can do to the body
Faster isn't always better when it comes to losing weight
Over the past year, there has been a boom in people using the prescription medicine Ozempic and other medications in the same class. For some, it's an absolute lifeline as a treatment for diabetes. To others, one of its main side effects—sudden, fast weight loss—means its appeal lies solely in the significant amount of pounds they can shed while on the medication. But what happens inside the body if you lose weight rapidly? A phenomenon known colloquially as "Ozempic face" offers some clues.
Intrigued? Click on to learn what happens to the body when weight is lost quickly.