This is a hard lesson to learn, but it’s one that signals maturity. The world owes us nothing, even if we feel like we deserve something.
Fashion plays a big role in a kid’s life, especially during adolescence. It turns out, those pieces we thought were super lame actually became trendy a few years later. After all, everything comes back into style.
We’re all guilty of doing it, but now we know it’s not the best for our energy bill or indeed the food in our refrigerator.
You probably remember your first heartbreak, and how the world was crumbling around you because, well, that was the only person in the world for you, right? Well, not according to your parents. There are indeed plenty of fish in the sea, and they knew it. And now, so do you.
Very much so. This can be said for most (if not all) of these pieces of parental advice.
Sources: (Ranker) (Pucker Mob)
As you probably know by now, many things take a great deal of commitment and hard work to achieve, and these are usually the things that bring us the most satisfaction and purpose.
Sometimes you just need to trust your instincts, especially if your gut is telling you something is off.
You’ve probably heard this proverb, and you’ve probably ignored it when it came out of your parents’ mouths. Weren’t they right, though?
If we're lucky, we'll eventually become one of those “elders.” And like previous generations, we too will probably complain that some younger people don’t respect us.
It’s all good to chase money and have lofty material goals, but unless you’re healthy, what is any of it worth? Health is the base of our lives, and it’s a lot more important than anything else in the grand scheme of things.
We get it, some music just has to be played loud, but constantly blasting loud music in our ears is not good. Conditions such as tinnitus (constant ringing in the ear) are a real threat.
This is just a good habit to have. And those who don’t often do this come to wish they did. Your parents were right. Again.
This is so true. Those who have sadly lost a parent are sure to feel it intensely.
Hey, if it’s too hot, you can always take your coat off, but if it gets cold you can’t put one on if you haven’t got one with you!
When we’re younger, the world revolves around us, so such a statement seldom makes sense. As adults, we realize that things are a bit different and that our parents were on to something.
Maybe you did, or maybe you didn’t. Looking back, regardless of your career path, this is undoubtedly solid advice.
This is yet another classic, that those who become parents end up recognizing the truth in it.
You probably now recognize that good posture is important. To be fair, you’ve probably known that all your life, but just didn’t listen to your parents. We’ve all been there.
This piece of advice certainly resonates differently now that you have to pay the electricity bill yourself! Also, it’s pretty bad for the planet to waste energy unnecessarily.
Ah, the good old financial advice we ought to have followed from our very first paycheck. Can you imagine if you’d started saving money from the very beginning? Luckily, it’s never too late to start saving!
If you haven’t learned this by now, then you’re in for a nasty surprise. Coming to terms with how unfair life is is one of the great challenges of adulthood, even though our parents often try to prepare us for this reality.
Everyone makes mistakes, but denying responsibility by rejecting or ignoring them is not the way to go. Owning your mistakes is good for you and those around you.
Honesty is the best policy. You’ve probably heard something along those lines from your parents. After all, many times, lies have consequences.
Maybe sun rays weren't as damaging back when we were kids, but still, this is solid advice. We’ve all been guilty of ignoring this piece of parental guidance, especially in our younger years, and many of us have come to regret it.
Vegetables aren't very exciting to children, but they are nonetheless important parts of their diets. The same goes for adults. So much so, that many of us have started eating veggies as adults just because they’re good for us.
How many times have you left the house in a rush, only to find yourself in need of a toilet and having none nearby? If only you had listened to your parents’ advice…
It’s safe to say that most of us are now aware of how important hydration is. Drinking water is the easiest and best way to stay hydrated. Such a simple and valuable piece of advice, right?
Recognizing who your real friends are when you are a kid is not as easy, but in the end, they should like you when you're truly being yourself.
Credit cards are easy to get, and even easier to use and abuse. Amassing major credit card debt is no fun. This cautionary piece of advice makes complete sense.
It turns out, our parents were actually right about a lot of stuff! Perhaps even more than we care to admit. Click through the gallery and see if you agree.
Things your parents were totally right about
Even if you don't like to admit it...
Those responsible for us when we are children are usually the first people to give us advice. They're often—though not always—our parents. Growing up, we all listened to our parents tell us to "do this" or "don't do that", constantly warning us to be careful with such and such things; and when we challenged them, we'd most likely get an answer like "you'll understand when you're older," or something along those lines.
It turns out, our parents were actually right about a lot of stuff! Perhaps even more than we care to admit. Click through the gallery and see if you agree.