The azure dragon is a symbol of compassion in East Asian cultures. It is also associated with harmony, healing, and growth.
Elephants, too, symbolize gentleness and compassion. Despite their size, these majestic creatures are almost always peaceful towards other animals.
This plant is a tropical evergreen that symbolizes kindness. It has heart-shaped leaves and makes a great gift.
Manatees are large and gentle sea creatures that remind us to be peaceful. They symbolize kindness and peace in Native American cultures.
Deer are considered to be very gentle creatures. They symbolize kindness because of the way they live in peaceful harmony with the world around them.
These stunning birds symbolize many things, one being compassion. This is because of their association with the Hindu goddess Lakshmi, who is the goddess of compassion.
These trumpet-shaped English flowers, sometimes referred to as "fairy flowers," are a beautiful symbol of kindness.
While in some cultures the dove represents peace or love, in Native American cultures it represents kindness and gentleness.
White parrots have come to symbolize compassion because of their association with the goddess Guan Yin. She is often depicted with this beautiful white bird.
The pelican is a symbol of kindness in Christian teachings. It also represents compassion and sacrifice to a certain extent.
This Norse ship Hringhorni belonged to the most beloved Norse god, Baldur. He represented kindness and light, and when he died his body was laid in this ship.
The nteasee is a symbol of compassion and kindness in Ghanaian culture. It encourages people to show kindness to their neighbor and work together for a common goal.
In many Asian cultures, Guan Yin is the goddess of compassion. She is a symbol of mercy, love, compassion, and kindness in countries such as China, Hong Kong, and Japan.
The strength tarot card is ninth in the deck. Its meaning runs deeper than just physical strength and extends to harmony, compassion, and strength.
In Asian and Buddhist cultures, there are several hand gestures (mudras) with different meanings. The varada mudra represents charity and compassion.
Slightly different from kindness, perhaps, but the gebo is a Norse symbol for generosity. It is also associated with sacrifice and honor, as well as the Norse or Viking deity Odin.
A stupa is a monument that is found all over the world. They are often topped with a spire that represents the Buddha and that is associated with compassion.
According to Hindu teachings, the body has seven different chakras. The heart chakra is associated with kindness, compassion, and love.
Another one taken from Buddhism, the parasol is a symbol of compassion because it represents the protection and refuge provided by the dharma.
The scepter is a symbol of kindness for a similar reason: the Roman goddess of mercy, Clementia, is often depicted holding a scepter.
Another famous one is the Buddha himself. With teachings that focus on generosity, patience, and kindness (among others), the Buddha represents enlightenment.
In Buddhist teachings, this endless knot is a symbol of the Buddha's compassion and wisdom. It also symbolizes the interconnectedness of life.
Om is a sacred syllable in the Tibetan Buddhism mantra of compassion: "Om mani padme hum."
Soft and delicate feathers are a symbol of gentleness and kindness, mainly because they are associated with birds, which are often holy or sacred.
The lotus flower represents purity and compassion in both Buddhism and Hinduism. It is also a symbol of the path from suffering to enlightenment.
Not the most obvious symbol of kindness, perhaps, but the dagger does actually have a place on this list. It represents the Archangel Zadkiel, who is known for his mercy and forgiveness.
In Christian teachings, the shepherd shows love and care towards his sheep. A shepherd's staff, therefore, is a symbol of this care in Christian literature.
The heart represents love, kindness, and compassion in cultures all over the world. The shape is supposed to depict the human heart, and the symbol can be traced back to 10,000 BCE.
Last but not least, chamomile. Another delicate flower, chamomile has a reputation for being a gentle healer. For that reason it is associated with gentleness and kindness.
Sources: (WikiHow) (
See also: Famous Christian symbols explained
According to Hindu teachings, each petal of this tiny and fragile flower has a different meaning. Those meanings are compassion, modesty, patience, selflessness, and integrity.
With kindness and compassion being so essential to the human experience, it is no surprise that many things have come to symbolize these qualities. While some symbols of kindness and compassion may be more universal than others, there is in fact a laundry list of symbols that span different cultures from all over the world.
Intrigued? Check out this gallery to see 30 of these symbols.
30 different symbols of kindness and compassion
How many of these are you familiar with?
With kindness and compassion being so essential to the human experience, it is no surprise that many things have come to symbolize these qualities. While some symbols of kindness and compassion may be more universal than others, there is in fact a laundry list of symbols that span different cultures from all over the world.
Intrigued? Check out this gallery to see 30 of these symbols.