Everyone has annoying habits. But when existing habits are annoying you so much more than they used to, it’s time to stop and reflect.
Being in love with someone means you’re attracted to them, so if you stop wanting to have sex, it could be a sign you're falling out of love.
If you start to think of your partner as just another fish in the sea, then you're probably falling out of love.
Your partner is now less appealing, and the thought of spending time with them feels like a burden. Red flag!
If you’re not yourself around your partner, it could be because you’re growing tired and out of love with them.
When you’re used to talking about everything with your partner and have noticed conversations have become more shallow or nonexistent, then you may be falling out of love.
Assuming PDA used to be your thing, a lack of it should be concerning. The fact is that when you're no longer invested in someone, PDA isn’t something you do, be it on purpose or not.
Dating is a fun way to make memories with someone you love. Therefore, it's a definitive warning sign if you don't want to have these special moments anymore.
If you no longer want to spend time together, that's a clear sign you're falling out of love.
When you’re over someone, you aren’t as emotionally attached, and those things that used to make you worry don’t as much.
It’s normal to feel lonely at times, but when you feel this way constantly, it could be a warning sign that your feelings have started to change about your partner.
Do you find yourself wishing to go back to "how things were" at the start? Then it could be a sign that your relationship isn't on the right track.
While you might think not arguing is a good thing, it actually can be a bad thing, too. When you no longer want to defend your opinions, then you're basically just tired and you’ve given up.
This may be for a variety of reasons, but it can create space for feeling stifled, resentful, or even claustrophobic.
Besides no longer getting excited to spend time together, you may find yourself flat out avoiding your partner.
No relationship or person is perfect, but when you love a person, you're always trying to find the good in them. However, when you can’t see those good qualities, you’re not as connected to them as you once were.
It could be a red flag if you find yourself occupying your time with other people and solo activities, rather than with your partner.
Do you find yourself daydreaming about being single or dating other people? That's a sign that you may have already checked out of the relationship.
Trust is an integral part of any relationship, so if you find yourself keeping secrets from your partner, it’s a sign that something is wrong.
If you realize you're more embarrassed or ashamed to be associated with your partner, then that's a big sign.
Do you find yourself daydreaming about future vacations, or moving somewhere, or a job, and your SO isn't in the picture? Then your relationship may not be destined for the long haul.
Do your arguments create more misunderstanding and drama? Then that's a sign that your relationship is deteriorating.
Sometimes we get comfortable, and starting over alone is scary. When you ask yourself why you're with them and the first answer isn't because you're in love, then you're probably not.
Love should make you feel happy and excited, not bored and obligated.
You know what's missing in your relationship, but the truth is you're reluctant to try to bring back that spark.
Sources: (Parade) (MindBodyGreen) (Women's Health)
See also: Understanding the different stages of relationships
A big tell-tale sign? You find yourself comparing them to every potential partner you could have if you weren’t with them.
When you're defensive, it's impossible for your partner to communicate with you effectively. If you find you're being defensive in most conversations, you may be lacking the love it takes to keep the relationship going.
If you're staying in a relationship with someone because the other person says they need you, can't live without you, or has expressed some sort of toxic dependence on you, then you’re in it for the wrong reason.
When you first fell in love, everything about your partner probably felt new and exciting. But now, things might feel more routine and boring.
Most of us want to find and be in a relationship with a person we can have our happily ever after with. But while falling in love can be emotional, exhilarating, and euphoric, the truth is that not all relationships are meant to last forever. Once you realize the magic has started to fade, how do you know if it's just a phase or if you have actually fallen out of love?
To help you figure this out, click on to discover the undeniable signs that you're falling out of love.
The undeniable signs that you're falling out of love
How to know when it might be time to let go
LIFESTYLE Relationships
Most of us want to find and be in a relationship with a person we can have our happily ever after with. But while falling in love can be emotional, exhilarating, and euphoric, the truth is that not all relationships are meant to last forever. Once you realize the magic has started to fade, how do you know if it's just a phase or if you have actually fallen out of love?
To help you figure this out, click on to discover the undeniable signs that you're falling out of love.