Blondie must have had quite a few experiences with stalkers. This one song in particular hints of voyeurism, with lines such as, "I will give you my finest hour, The one I spent watching you shower."
The iconic Guns N' Roses guitarist and the former member of the Black Eyed Peas collaborate in this song about a woman who becomes obsessed with a man.
Somewhat of a stalker anthem, 'Every Breath You Take' is among the most famous (and creepiest) stalker songs of all time.
Adam Levine sings some very upsetting lyrics on this one, including lines such as "Baby, I'm preying on you tonight, Hunt you down eat you alive," and, "Maybe you think that you can hide, I can smell your scent for miles."
The clue is in the name of the song. This is the story of a woman who wants to be obsessed about by her love interest. "Ain't nothing wrong with OCD, Long as it's for me, long as it's for me."
There's nothing wrong with wanting to have babies...unless it turns into a real obsession!
Sources: (Gemtracks) (Pop Matters) (Ranker)
Enrique is essentially telling this woman that she can run and she can hide, but she won't be able to escape his love.
"If I was invisible, Then I could just, Watch you in your room, If I was invisible, I'd make you mine tonight." Creepy, right?
This 1995 Grammy award-winning song is clearly about an ex, except it doesn't seem like she's letting him go that easily..."And I'm here, to remind you, Of the mess you left when you went away, It's not fair, to deny me, Of the cross I bear that you gave to me."
"Woman, you want me, give me a sign, And catch my breathing even closer behind" is just the tip of the iceberg. The song goes on with multiple creepy lines, including "I'm on the hunt I'm after you," and, "You feel my heat, I'm just a moment behind."
The song is about an unhappy ex-lover who breaks into the apartment they used to share. "Broke into the old apartment, Tore the phone out of the wall, Only memories, fading memories, Blending into dull tableaux, I want them back."
Yet another tale of an obsessed guy, Tutone sings, "Jenny I've got your number, I need to make you mine, Jenny don't change your number."
The song is about a woman, who is clearly obsessed about a man and stalks him. "I will follow him, Follow him wherever he may go, And near him, I always will be, For nothing can keep me away, He is my destiny."
This 1989 ballad is probably the singer's most famous song. It is a bit disturbing, however, once you pay close attention to the lyrics. "Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you."
If this doesn't sound desperate, then we don't know what does. "I want you to want me, I need you to need me, I'd love you to love me, I'm beggin' you to beg me."
The Boss does sound a bit pushy in this song about a man's lust for a woman.
In 2000, Eminem teamed up with English singer Dido in this tune. The song is about a fan who is completely obsessed with the rapper. It touches on how celebrity culture can get out of hand.
What's more scary than a stalker who doesn't take "no" for an answer, right? Creepy lines include, "From the moment I wake, To the moment I sleep, I'll be there by your side, Just you try and stop me, I'll be waiting in line, Just to see if you care."
"Why won't you call me? Stephen, why won't you call me?" Another woman obsessed with a guy, but it gets even weirder: "Stephen, I'll knit you a sweater, I want to wrap you up in my love (you call me, Stephen), Forever (feelin'), I would never let you go Stephen (Stephen, why won't you call me?) I'll never let go."
"I would dial the numbers, Just to listen to your breath." Creeped out yet? There's more. Just take a listen to the Grammy-winning song.
Lionel Richie's huge hit is yet another tale of unrequited love. "I've been alone with you inside my mind, And in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times, I sometimes see you pass outside my door, Hello, is it me you're looking for?" Probably not, Lionel. Probably not.
This song, written from the perspective of the stalker, gets really creepy: "When you sleep, I will creep Into your thoughts, Like a bad debt, That you can't pay, Take the easy way, And give in Yeah, and let me in."
This song is actually inspired by a real story of a fan obsessed with the singer. It is written from the viewpoint of the stalker.
This song was huge in 2004, when it was released. As for the lyrics, it tells the story of a man who obsessed over a woman who simply smiled at him on the subway, and the tragedy that he'll never meet her. She's beautiful, though.
The English synth-pop band released this hit in 1981. It's pretty much about an estranged couple, but the man refuses to accept that it's over.
Another stalker classic, 'Sunglasses at Night' also deserves a spot on this list. Hart sings "I wear my sunglasses at night, So I can, so I can, Watch you weave then breathe your story lines."
One of Blondies' biggest hits is also a disturbing stalker tale. The song's famous line, "One way, or another, I'm gonna find ya" sets the tone from the beginning. Other creepy lines include "I'll follow your bus downtown, See who's hanging out" and "I'll walk down the mall, stand over by the wall, Where I can see it all, find out who you call."
Gaga's song hints at obsessive behavior. Lines such as, "I'll follow you until you love me," and, "Promise I'll be kind, but I won't stop until that boy is mine," or "Chase you down until you love me," prove just that.
It gets really creepy in the chorus of this song, when Joseph Thomas Elliott sings "Whatever you do, I'll be two steps behind you. Wherever you go, And I'll be there to remind you. That it only takes a minute of your precious time. To turn around, I'll be two steps behind."
'Black Widow' is about a vengeful woman who doesn't accept the relationship is over. Indeed, she is obsessed. "I'm gonna love you, until you hate me" is one of the many obsessive lines in the song.
There are songs about virtually anything you could imagine, so of course obsession is no exception. What's interesting, however, is that some of those songs are actually very famous. Though not all of them seem to be explicitly about stalkers, if you listen to the lyrics carefully, you will be able to identify the elements that make these songs a little creepy.
Click through and see how many songs you can recognize.
Songs you never knew were about stalkers and obsession
Some of these are really creepy!
MUSIC Creepy
There are songs about virtually anything you could imagine, so of course obsession is no exception. What's interesting, however, is that some of those songs are actually very famous. Though not all of them seem to be explicitly about stalkers, if you listen to the lyrics carefully, you will be able to identify the elements that make these songs a little creepy.
Click through and see how many songs you can recognize.