Cancer will find a restorative bath a great way to soak away their problems. If possible, they should try to get in the tub any time there is a full moon.
Taurus is the most indulgent of the star signs. People born under Taurus reap great benefits from adding some glamor to their daily self-care routine.
Virgos are often plagued by overthinking, which, if they're not careful, can spiral into anxiety. It's time to let it all out with a song, Virgos.
Libras love the good life, but they often let the little things pass them by. Keeping a weekly or even daily gratitude journal should help to correct that.
Sagittarius rules the thighs, buttocks, and hips. People born under this zodiac often find they have a lot of tension in this area. This can be released by belly dancing.
Sensitive Scorpio often finds itself burdened by the energy of others. A great way to combat this is to cleanse your surroundings with sage or other herbs.
The most creative of the star signs, Leos often find themselves needing an outlet. A great way to relax is with an artistic pursuit, such as painting or pottery.
A good night's sleep is important for everyone, but particularly for our Pisces friends. They will usually find it useful to follow a relaxing evening ritual.
Capricorn babies are very hard workers, and they often find themselves stretched too thin. A day off once in a while will do wonders for this ambitious star sign.
Gemini babies have a tendency to gossip. A great way for them to resist is to get lost in a juicy romance novel, a political thriller, or even a book of good poems.
Aquarius is one of the more thoughtful star signs, and what better way to connect with your inner self than yoga? Time to grab a mat and do some stretching, Aquarius.
Fiery Aries love to be the center of attention, but even these charismatic creatures need a pep talk sometimes. Aries will get a lot from saying affirmations.
The fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are bold, brash, and creative. They love to be the center of attention, sometimes to the point of their own downfall.
The air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are highly intellectual and emotionally intelligent. They are great communicators, but they can be flighty, too.
The water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are thoughtful and reflective. They are great empaths, although they sometimes find themselves burdened with emotion.
The earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are stable, grounded, and practical. They tend to be reliable creatures, although they can sometimes be stubborn.
If you are a Pisces, try an amethyst crystal by your bed to deflect nasty dreams, and some lavender in your pillowcase for a calm aroma. Turn off electronics 30 minutes before bed.
Capricorns, why not let yourself take a day off sometime soon? Hit snooze on the alarm and get up leisurely to drink a coffee with the morning paper.
Sources: (Vogue) (The Cut)
Cancers, add Epsom salts to your bath to cleanse your aura and crystals to help balance out your energy. You'll be surprised how much more at peace you feel after.
Give yourself a mani-pedi, or experiment with your makeup. Even if you are not planning to go anywhere, looking good for yourself is a great way to boost confidence.
Not only will this banish negative vibes from your home and make you feel heaps better, but it will also improve the way you relate to other people.
If you are a Gemini, you will find that losing yourself in the words will help you stay clear of drama and expand your imagination as you enter the world of the characters.
A personal belly dance party will help to unlock your emotional flow, sensuality, and creativity. It should leave you feeling looser and overall more balanced.
Practicing yoga can be very beneficial for your body, spirit, and mind. It will help you to live in the moment instead of sweating the small stuff.
Singing out your emotions is a great way to reduce stress, and opening up your throat chakra will help you to speak your truth. Give it a go today!
You will be able to release any pent up frustrations you might have, and, of course, garner some delicious praise for the stunning work of art you produce.
Keeping track of the things you are grateful for is a good way to jumpstart your positivity. Sometimes it is all you need to really turn your attitude around.
Try and get in the habit of looking in the mirror each morning and repeating some positive intentions that you want to bring into the world. It can be very empowering.
Among the business of daily life it is important to take time for ourselves. Everyone needs a bit of self-care every now and again to keep us grounded, healthy, and always moving forward.
There are lots of ways to practice self-care, and it can be difficult to know what to do. Astrologists will tell you that you can learn a lot about how to care for yourself by looking at your zodiac.
Check out this gallery to learn the best self-care practice for your star sign.
How to practice self-care, according to your star sign
It can be challenging to figure out where to start
LIFESTYLE Zodiac sign
Among the business of daily life it is important to take time for ourselves. Everyone needs a bit of self-care every now and again to keep us grounded, healthy, and always moving forward.
There are lots of ways to practice self-care, and it can be difficult to know what to do. Astrologists will tell you that you can learn a lot about how to care for yourself by looking at your zodiac.
Check out this gallery to learn the best self-care practice for your star sign.