Agate is known for balancing the body and mind, turning negative energy into positive energy. It comes in many colors, and is sometimes dyed to make it prettier. It is a good crystal to use to center yourself and gain trust in your own feelings.
Similar to aquamarine, blue quartz is also connected to the throat chakra and so can help overcome communication problems. It also enhances creativity and expression, ideal for those who have to improvise in their jobs.
This mineral is great to use if you're a little lost and are seeking guidance. Practitioners recommend placing a little apophyllite pyramid on your third eye while you meditate. It also has an energizing vibration that can raise your spirits if you're feeling a bit low.
Carnelian was one of the first minerals to be used in a healing capacity. Practitioners often use them to treat blood problems such as poor circulation, skin diseases, and nosebleeds. It is also used to bring luck and general health to the patient.
Healers use golden calcite to treat both physical and emotional consequences of abuse. It is also said to help balance the endocrine system and pancreas. Healers often use it for problems such as diabetes.
The beautiful amazonite has a soothing energy. It calms erratic feeling in the heart and mind as well as balancing feminine and masculine forces. It also has the property of perspective. By helping you see different sides of a problem, this stone promotes acceptance and relieves trauma.
Amethyst is a good mineral for healing physical ailments. It is believed that amethyst boosts your immune and digestive systems. It also regulates hormonal imbalances, which helps to clear the skin. If you have put your body through a bit of strain with a weekend of indulgence, this crystal might help you out.
Citrine is an all-round winner for healing. Its main role is to replace bad vibes with joyous and prosperous energy. It is the kind of mineral that is good to put by your bed so it can balance out your aura and impart good energies to you as you sleep.
This strange, angular mineral has the ability to protect our auras from negative energies while preserving our own and grounding us. It is useful for meditation, as it encourages us to live in the present moment rather than dwell on the past and future.
A great gem to put on your desk, clear quartz helps with focus and memory. Generally, clear crystals can help to strengthen the immune system and alleviate pain.
One of the more famous minerals for its beauty, green jade is associated with love and friendship. It also helps to encourage self-sufficiency. It makes a good gift as an amulet to cement relationships.
Fire agate is the cheeky mineral that improves sexual vitality and libido–definitely a good one to put near your bed! Many believe it is also a protective force.
Celestite comes from the Greek word meaning "heavenly," perhaps because of its beautiful color. As the name suggests, this mineral is connected to divine and supernatural forces. It can be used to channel energy from the spiritual world to make you calmer and more spiritually aware.
If you've got a few resolutions you would like to stick to, then the moonstone is the one you want. It is ideal for new beginnings, as it improves stability and emotional strength. It is also very pretty as jewelry, so buy yourself one to christen the start of a new adventure.
Red jasper is very useful in our modern world of Wi-Fi and radiation. If you place it around your home, it could help to reduce the negative effects of electromagnetic and environmental pollution.
This radical stone deflects negative energy from other auras and, as its appearance suggests, boosts willpower, confidence, and self-esteem. It is wonderful to use in moments of anxiety because of its strength.
It charges your aura infusing you with energy and stimulating your Kundalini, which is the dormant energy every human carries with them. Using shiva lingam can prompt an invigorating spiritual experience.
The curious green color of peridot is connected to greed and jealousy. It absorbs the negative feelings that often come up in romantic relationships, such as resentment, irritation, and bitterness. It can also help at the beginning of a new relationship to help protect against these unwanted emotions.
Petrified wood is literally wood that has been fossilized over time to become a mineral. It is used to help the process of transformation. If things are changing in your life, this mineral can help you feel safe and emotionally level.
One of the most used rocks by crystal healers, selenite acts as a good base crystal for healing ceremonies and meditation. It is also said to promote physical healing of the spinal column.
Rose quartz is a very good stone for love. It opens the heart to unconditional love, be it for friends, children, a partner, or yourself. Many choose to wear this stone on a ring so that they can always channel its energy.
If you are having some tough nightmares, this is the crystal for you. It can help protect you from unwanted energies at night and can also help alleviate depression.
If you are prone to panicking, sodalite can help you calm down and balance your emotions, which is why it is commonly used during meditation. Physically, it can support the immune system and metabolism.
Sources: (Crystal Earth Spirit)(Elle)
See also: Alternative therapies: become healthier, naturally
Shungite is carbon rich and named after a town in Russia where it was first discovered. Many people use it to protect themselves from electromagnetic frequencies emitted by Wi-Fi waves. It also heals your lower chakras, grounding your aura.
Crystal healing is a therapy that dates back to Ancient Greece. Plato wrote about it in the dialogue of Critias (360 BCE). It came from fringe culture to the mainstream in the '70s, and has now made a second comeback with the wellness movement. The therapy uses semiprecious stones to eliminate negative energy. The kind of stones used usually correspond to a specific chakra (spiritual points in the body).
Healing crystals can be used in many different ways, but it is important that they are close to your body so that their energy can work on you. The larger the crystal, the more energy it wields.
There are practitioners that do special healing crystal sessions, but you can also use them independently. Some options are to carry the crystal around, place it on your body, use it in your skin care routine, or even just have it on your bedside table. Some also opt for wearing crystals as jewelry.
Aquamarine is good for an intellectual boost, as it helps with rational reasoning and improves response times. It is especially useful for public speakers, as it is associated with the throat chakra. If you have a little stage fright, putting this rock in your pocket will give you confidence.
The eye-popping pink of rhodonite suggests love and romance. If you have had a difficult breakup, wearing this mineral could help heal past wounds and find room for new love.
Curious about natural and noninvasive ways to make your life better? Crystal healing could be for you.
It dates back to the beginning of human civilization and has been used frequently to treat physical and emotional ailments. In our modern world, crystals have regained popularity for their potential ability to protect our bodies from harmful electromagnetic waves and aid mental health problems.
Take a look through these different kinds of crystals to see what they mean, and if they could improve your life.
The power of healing crystals
What are they, and how can they help?
LIFESTYLE Spiritual healing
Curious about natural and noninvasive ways to make your life better? Crystal healing could be for you.
It dates back to the beginning of human civilization and has been used frequently to treat physical and emotional ailments. In our modern world, crystals have regained popularity for their potential ability to protect our bodies from harmful electromagnetic waves and aid mental health problems.
Take a look through these different kinds of crystals to see what they mean, and if they could improve your life.