"Oh yeah? Well, if you can play better, why don't you come down here and do it then?"
When your team misses a goal and your hangover is killing you at the same time: "iOh Dios mio!"
When a journalist starts rapping and does it better than you...
When you met your idol, who you secretly always wanted to be your dad.
"Say that one more time! I dare you!!"
"What do you mean you're filing for divorce?"
"Let's take a pic in the pool. Don't worry—we'll look great!"
"Hey Jessie, we're here! Right here in front of you. Yes, right in the middle!"
"Can you see my tonsils yet?"
When you realize you should've used some hair spray before leaving the house.
When someone unexpectedly stands up for you and you feel like a boss. "That was a good one man, thanks!"
When you eat cake before hitting the red carpet and realize you have some frosting on your lip.
When you had a few drinks and want to go dancing with your bestie. "Let's go, Dec!"
"I swear to God, if they miss again, I'm leaving!"
When you realize people are staring at you and making comments.
When you're getting roasted and are about to explode.
When you're a prince (or were) and realize you did something very un-royal.
When you lose it with the crazy fan in the audience and give that "I love you but I'm going to kill you" look.
When someone asks you to back up what you're saying with scientific data.
"I still can't believe I drove all night to get to him... But a girl just wants to have fun!"
When you sibling calls you by your embarrassing middle name in front of your friends.
When you accidentally walk into the wedding reception of your ex-husband.
"How would I look if I had plastic surgery? Like this!"
When you're secretly a metalhead and wish you were playing some heavy music.
"Don't you wolf whistle me on the red carpet!"
When you and your BFF bump into your high school crush, and can't believe how much he let himself go...
King Leonidas in full rage mode.
"OMG, this itchy scalp is driving me crazy!"
When you pretend you're not a goth idol and try to act light and bubbly.
When you say in a high-pitched voice, "OMG that's so exciting!"
When you have a temper, but want to look approachable and funny.
When you want to look good for the photo, but have something stuck in your tooth.
When your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend show up at your party.
"...and then I was there and the zombies came out and I was like..."
"Look at me, I'm a bullfighter!"
When you prove all you need is some green makeup and you really are The Mask.
"Hey, what can I say? I really am awesome."
"Well, that was unexpected and feels a bit awkward."
"And then I was driving, and it was epic!"
When you're at an event, but all you can think of is the ice cream you have at home waiting for you.
When you see your ex-husband and he's hotter than ever.
When you're asked to strike a pose and look good for the camera, but you don't like to be told what to do.
"Mmm, that's hot."
When you bet all your savings on a horse and it starts to lose ground in the race.
When your mom shows up at the club you're at with her new boyfriend.
When you just learned three chords and are trying to impress your family.
When you were convinced you were going to become your country's next president, and can't believe the elections result...
See also: Hilarious Hillary—All your emotions as told by her face.
When someone ruins your plans and you give them an ironic thumbs up.
When a fan shows up with a sign reading "marry me."
Facial expressions can be hilarious, but we rarely see our favorite celebs looking anything other than perfect. Yet sure enough, they too pull funny faces. From royals to Hollywood stars and everything in between, in this gallery you'll find some of the funniest faces ever pulled by stars. Click on!
When you realize you've put way too much lime juice in your husband's drink.
When you want to interrupt someone, but are too polite to do it.
When you spot an old classmate who used to bully you, but now you're a big star.
"All that 'Hathahate' still really confuses me..."
Caught on camera: Celebs pulling funny faces
When celebrities make hilarious facial expressions
Facial expressions can be hilarious, but we rarely see our favorite celebs looking anything other than perfect. Yet sure enough, they too pull funny faces. From royals to Hollywood stars and everything in between, in this gallery you'll find some of the funniest faces ever pulled by stars. Click on!