Beware of your posture: it affects you both physically and mentally. If you spend many hours at a desk, this is definitely a change to take on board.
Coffee can lower your risk of cancer, depression, and diabetes. Just don't drink too much of it!
Do a few good deeds, and generally be nice to other people. This can actually increase your lifespan.
Take the stairs whenever you can, especially if you sit all day at work. This can help boost your metabolism and lower blood pressure.
Brush your teeth twice a day and floss. Tip: soak your toothbrush in mouthwash to clean it.
It can increase your risk of obesity and diabetes, plus it's bad for your skin too!
As long as you're not allergic or going overboard on the amount you eat, do enjoy more nuts. These can lower risk of cardiovascular disease, among other health benefits.
Meditating and being mindful just before you hit the sheets can actually improve your sleep quality.
Not only do they not protect your eyes, they can actually be harmful. Your pupils dilate, but you don't have any UV blocking from the cheap lenses.
Regular ones are full of fructose, which is bad for your bones. And diet versions are no better, as they are full of potentially harmful artificial sweeteners.
To start developing positive habits, we need to take simple steps that will take us in that direction. With this in mind, this gallery looks at several of these steps, so that you can start working towards an improved version of yourself. Click on and start implementing these today!
Every day. Even in winter. UVB rays do cause most sunburns, but UVA rays can also be harmful for your skin.
Bathing more often can have an impact on your stress levels. It also increases blood flow and speeds up your metabolism.
Keyboards in particular are teeming with germs, so clean yours with an antibacterial wipe.
Owning one brings you an array of physical and psychological benefits. Plus, you're giving an animal a new home, which is awesome!
When was the last time you washed them for at least 20 seconds? Many of us don't pay enough attention to this and end up not really washing our hands properly.
Pillowcases are actually full of bacteria. A week is enough for millions of bacteria to thrive.
Feeling burnt out can increase your risk of heart disease. If you're constantly stressed out at your current job, you might want to change that. Of course, not everyone is in a situation where they can do so.
Volunteer more. Not only will you be helping a good cause, you'll also feel better about your life.
Ideally you should go for at least two hours, but aim to increase your time outdoors when you can. Go for a walk in the park or the beach, for instance.
The benefits of weight training are well known. Plus, according to a study, it takes less than an hour a week of resistance training to reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke by 40 to 70%.
Yoga is great for both your mental and physical health, so why not sign up for a few classes this year?
This will motivate you to read more and thus exercise your brain more.
It's not great for your health. In fact, it can decrease your lifespan.
On that note, group exercise is a great way to get fit and socialize at the same time.
Having a positive attitude can do wonders for anxiety and overall happiness levels.
Your partner's happiness levels can actually impact how healthy you are.
Going to work doesn't have to be a traffic nightmare. Walk or cycle to work if you can.
Having more friends can actually increase your lifespan. So thank yours next time you see them!
Four to six glasses of water every day is a good start.
Simple ways to be healthier
Follow these easy steps for a healthy life
HEALTH Wellness
To start developing positive habits, we need to take simple steps that will take us in that direction. With this in mind, this gallery looks at several of these steps, so that you can start working towards an improved version of yourself. Click on and start implementing these today!