Discover the best minimalist tips to declutter your life
Clutter may be doing more damage than you think
LIFESTYLE Minimalism
There's a reason that changing seasons always seem to be accompanied by donation bags—we have too much stuff! Shows like 'Tidying Up with Marie Kondo' gained attention worldwide because this is a common problem that both unites and buries us. Whether it's one too many stops for retail therapy, the inability to give anything up due to sentimentality, or simply not enough time to go through it all, many of us struggle with household clutter in our day-to-day lives. However, did you know that owning less can actually improve your quality of life?
In 1978, researcher Phillip Brickman from Northwestern University conducted a study to see if wealth truly brought happiness. He found that the happiness of those who had won the lottery was no higher than the control group who only met their basic physical needs.
Yet another psychological study was done by LN Chaplin and DR John, which found a strong link between materialism and low self-esteem among young people.
Not only has it been shown that clutter detracts from our mental health, it's also been suggested that our mental well-being actually benefits when our houses aren't cluttered with things. According to Psychology Today, clearing our closets of possessions that we don't absolutely love can reduce stress and foster peace of mind.
In an added benefit, spending less on material things also cuts back on financial stress, as well as taking away the pressure of always having to earn and buy more. While buying your favorite pair of pants in three colors may feel right in the moment, this doesn't ultimately lead to long-term happiness.
By embracing a minimalist lifestyle, you can make your life less complicated and stressful—all while saving money. Perhaps less really is more!
While this is all great to talk about, it's another thing entirely to actually get down to business and clear the clutter to make way for minimalism. But never fear! These minimalist hacks will make your life a whole lot easier.
In honor of Use Less Stuff Day, click through this gallery and start maximizing your life today!