Traditional advice tells us that if we get physical too early, or too late, we risk sending the wrong message. But there is no right or wrong! Do what feels natural and comfortable.
If it didn’t work out for unproblematic reasons, you should ask your friend if you can date that person. Social circles are small, so don’t miss an opportunity.
The traditional dating rules for men are different from those for women, and certain “lady-like” behaviors are drummed into women from a young age, such as never showing interest, and waiting for the other person to make the moves. Act like yourself.
Different relationships move at different paces, but moving too quickly increases the chance of making big mistakes. If you think they’re "the one," taking things slower shouldn’t change that.
If you don’t feel a spark, don’t run away! Of course, you shouldn’t lower your standards, but give chemistry a chance to form.
There’s nothing worse than being on a date with someone who is only half-present. Show them you value their company by giving them your full attention.
A popular dating tip for women is to always appear easy-going and agreeable, but don't stifle your opinions or laugh at jokes you don't think are funny. Always be your authentic self.
On dates, we're often focused on how we're portraying ourselves, but don’t forget to genuinely listen to what the other person is saying. The conversation is the part you’ll both remember.
You don’t have to wait to stumble upon your soulmate. Increase your chances of meeting the right person by meeting more people, and you'll also get a better idea of who you really want to be with.
This goes for all genders! Don’t expect your date to pay, and always offer to at least split the bill.
Bringing up the ex is a huge no-no for most people, but talking about exes on a first date is actually a great way to learn about the other person and quickly identify any red flags.
Many people treat dating like a job—swiping for hours and working out compatibility charts down to the astrological houses—but dating should be fun!
Planning ahead is great and shows a degree of maturity, but being open to a spontaneous coffee with someone unveils a whole world of exciting possibility.
Particularly when it comes to dating, your instincts can tell you more about what’s really going on than any other evidence, helping you avoid the wrong people and stick with the good ones.
Just because someone asked, or you flirted with them once, or they did something nice for you, doesn’t mean you owe them a date. You also shouldn’t get upset if someone turns you down.
See also: Golden romance: your guide to dating in retirement
Rules about dating exclusivity tend to differ across cultures, but it’s better not to assume that someone is exclusively seeing you unless you have a conversation about it.
A guide to modern dating rules: what to keep and what to change
Now is the moment for a new chapter in your life
In this rapidly changing world, dating is complicated to navigate at best. The mix of new and outdated rules doesn't help either, some of which hold true and others which tend to be more harmful than helpful. The key to a successful dating experience may well just lie in knowing which rules to follow and which to break, so click through to hone your skills.