A product of your hard work. You gain muscle mass, increase your fitness level, and change your body composition through eating right, training, and appropriate rest.
See also: Gym rules you should never break (but probably do)
Spotting is when someone supervises another person while performing an exercise. This is to ensure safety as the person will have someone there if something goes wrong.
Gym jargon: fitness slang explained
All the gym lingo you need to know
HEALTH Fitness
It's normal to feel a bit overwhelmed when you first start working out at a gym. You get all excited and start looking online for training routines, diets, and how to reach your goals. But then you quickly realize that you're not familiar with a number of words and expressions used in the fitness world. Don't panic. In this gallery we explain all the jargon you need to know and what it actually means. Take a look.