It might seem logical to go room to room in your decluttering journey, but Kondo’s first rule is to tidy by category. She advises starting with clothing, then moving on to books, documents, miscellany, and, lastly, old photographs and mementos.
Everything from documents to clothes and even your fridge contents can and should be arranged vertically, so that everything is visible, accessible, and easy to grab. Shelves are your friends!
Kondo believes that wellness and mindfulness are about understanding what sparks joy in your life and makes you feel the most happy. And once you achieve this understanding, you can apply it to food, relationships, your career, and so much more.
Marie Kondo took the world by storm—a very clean and careful storm that paradoxically left everything in its wake completely organized —when she released her international bestseller 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing' in 2014. She came to even greater fame with her 2019 Netflix show 'Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,' which was followed up with 'Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo' in 2021.
But the KonMari method is so much more than labeling bins and throwing things away. Check out this gallery for everything you need to know about one woman's key to happiness.
The Japanese art of decluttering and organizing
Learn the Marie Kondo Method
LIFESTYLE Marie kondo
Marie Kondo took the world by storm—a very clean and careful storm that paradoxically left everything in its wake completely organized —when she released her international bestseller 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing' in 2014. She came to even greater fame with her 2019 Netflix show 'Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,' which was followed up with 'Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo' in 2021.
But the KonMari method is so much more than labeling bins and throwing things away. Check out this gallery for everything you need to know about one woman's key to happiness.