But what can happen if a human is exposed to high levels of radiation like the ones found in these places?
Exposure to high levels of radiation can pose serious health risks and even lead to death within hours, the BBC reported.
Ultimately, you should stay away form these radioactive areas.
The tsunami hit the Fukushima nuclear power plant and caused the reactors to fail. This was the biggest nuclear accident in the world since Chernobyl.
Despite the serious health risks, some people continued to live in their villages near Chernobyl, the Daily Mail reports.
According to The Independent, the disaster caused at least 15,000 deaths.
Click on the gallery and get to know the most radioactive places on earth.
Nuclear threat: Earth's most radioactive locations
These areas continue to experience dangerous levels of radiation
TRAVEL Nuclear disasters
These former nuclear test sites, and areas where radioactive accidents have occurred, are strictly no-go areas. Visiting these locations can not only be extremely dangerous, but sometimes even fatal.
Click on the gallery and get to know the most radioactive places on earth.