Fictional inventions from 'The Jetsons' that are real now
"Meet George Jetson"
TV The jetsons
Premiering in 1962, 'The Jetsons'—the cartoon about an average American family living a super high-tech life—is forever a beloved childhood show. Set a full century in the future, all of the inventions and robots were merely a figment of the creator's imagination, however, are we closer to 2062 than we may have thought? Originally reported by Brit + Co, here are a few fictional inventions from 'The Jetsons' that are real now:
1. The TV Watch: While we can't watch Netflix on our Apple Watches just yet, we are scary close.
2. Rosie the Robot: In the modern age of artificial intelligence feats, it's impressive to think how much technology aids or day to day lives. While we don't have an all-in-one maid robot, we have the Roomba to clean, and Siri to talk to.
3. Food-a-Rac-a-Cycle: One of the most envied technological advances on 'The Jetsons' was the machine that could create delicious food at the touch of a button. 3D Printing is getting us closer and closer to beef stroganoff on demand than ever before.
4. Video Chat: Welcome to the future. In 'The Jetsons' they used video chat for almost all communication. With Facetime, Skype, and Google Hangouts, we can video chat just like George and Jane.
5. Peek-a-Boo Prober Capsules: In one episode where George gets sick and goes to the doctor, they have him swallow a pill to take images of his organs in order to figure out what was wrong. A PillCam is a real thing that medical experts currently use for endoscopies and diagnosing gastrointestinal problems.